


Coordination mechanism: sector (Named Thematic working group due to Government request )
Year of activation:The Nutrition thematic working group was launched amid the response to strom Daniel in Sep 2023
Lead by : Nutrition Unit at Primary Health Care Institute - Ministry of Health
Coordinator :UNICEF
- Number of members :UN (UNICEF, WHO, IOM, UNHCR,WFP) , Government (PHCI ) , , INGO (ACF-Libya and GIZ-Libya ,IRC and IMC )
The first SMART survey result released in December 2022. The prevalences of global and severe acute malnutrition (no exclusion and 95% confidence intervals) were GAM: 3.8% (3.2 -4.4 95% CI) and SAM: 1.2 % (0.9-1.5 95% CI). The crude mortality and under five mortality rates at 95% CI were 0.23 (0.18-0.30) and 0.07(0.03-0.17) respectively. The prevalence of stunting was 8.2% while the prevalence of overweight was 5.2%

Country Key Contacts

Mawaheb Shelli

Health and Nutrition Officer [email protected]

End-year report 2023

January to December 2023


Link to HRP 2021

Post flood affects

On 10 September, Storm Daniel affected northeastern Libya with torrential rains and flash floods affecting multiple cities and towns. The human toll is significant and is expected to continue rising. OCHA estimates that approximately 884,000 people in five provinces (Mantikas) live in areas that have been directly affected by the storm and flash floods in Libya and have been impacted to varying degrees. Several factors are influencing and exacerbating the severity of humanitarian needs, including pre-existing humanitarian conditions, deterioration of socio-economic situation, logistical and access constraints to certain areas. Prior to the storm, some 300,000 people in Libya were assessed to require humanitarian assistance according to the 2023 Humanitarian Overview. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Libyan House of Representatives issued on 11 September, an urgent appeal for international help in dealing with Storm Daniel’s devastating impact on the Cyrenaica region. Stating that the humanitarian situation is catastrophic, the committee highlighted that local authorities were overwhelmed and called for immediate support from the United Nations, international organizations, and neighbouring countries. On 13 September, the Emergency Relief Coordinator allocated US$10 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund to scale up interventions in response to this disaster. Humanitarian partners are requesting $71.4 million to respond to the most urgent needs of 250,000 people targeted out of the 884,000 people estimated to be in need, over the next three months.

Flood response Funding


people reached by the Nutrition thematic pillar

Number of SAM under-five children in need
Number of MAM under-five children in need
Number of children 6-59 months supported with Vitamin A supplements
Number of children 6-59 months in need of Micronutrient Powder Supplementation
PLW receiving micronutrients
Number of PLW counselled (one-on-one) on IYCF
IYCF counselling mother support group
Number of moderately acutely malnourished PLW in need Of BSFP
Number of PW in need of iron/folate supplementation

Total Partners



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