
We are excited to share the 2023 GNC Annual Report, a comprehensive document highlighting our collective efforts in responding to nutrition emergencies throughout the past year. Despite the incredible scale and complexity of multiple global crises, we, and our partners, have demonstrated unwavering commitment to responding to these humanitarian emergencies timely and at scale.

In 2023, GNC supported 399 requests for immediate, virtual support in 61 countries; 19 in-depth (virtual and in-country) nutrition in emergencies programme support requests, with IYCF-E being the most requested, and; more than 44 weeks of comprehensive coordination and information management support was provided to six priority countries. In addition to the direct support provided, we held 21 webinars with a combined total of 1,690 participants – 651 were local and national actors – and expanded our Consultant Roster that includes more than 200 consultants across 60 countries.

We invite you to click below and dive into the full global and country report to gain deeper insights into our work and the remarkable dedication of our team.

Global Report

Country Report


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