
What is the GNC Consultant Roster and how can it help you?

The GNC is an all-in-one, holistic support platform where global nutrition actors at all levels can access coordination, information management, and programming support for Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE). Depending on the need, this expertise can be provided by a GNC team member or by one of the 200 consultants available on the GNC Consultant Roster. 

Finding a consultant to fill a critical gap can be time consuming and difficult when you have location, language, experience, and expertise to consider. The GNC has made this easier for you by creating a roster of pre-vetted and approved consultants from across the world and from all areas of NiE expertise. 

There are multiple benefits to sourcing technical consultants via the Consultant Roster. Firstly, placing a request and receiving recommendations for consultants is free of charge and the technical vetting and initial background checks have already been conducted for you. Secondly, you’re able to liaise with the GNC Roster Manager throughout the selection process to make sure you find the right consultant to match your needs. 

Curious to learn more? Here are answers to some of our most frequently asked questions:

What areas of expertise can your consultants help me with?

The GNC Consultant Roster hosts consultants from a wide range of expertise, including:

  • Detection and treatment of wasting in children
  • Management of complicated wasting
  • Simplified approaches
  • Maternal, adolescent, and infant and young child feeding and nutrition
  • Micronutrients
  • Multisectoral programmings
  • MAMI (management of small and nutritionally at-risk infants under six months and their mothers)
  • Nutrition Cluster coordination
  • Information management
  • Needs assessment and analysis

We also have consultants from a range of cross-cutting approaches and modalities applied to nutrition including:

  • Social behaviour change
  • Cash & voucher assistance
  • High-level leadership, facilitation, and engagement for nutrition programming
Who can use the Consultant Roster? 

Any partner, agency, cluster, sector, or technical working group at the global, regional, or country level who needs specialized assistance to fill critical gaps in one of our listed areas of expertise can access our Consultant Roster. 

Standardization Test At Harar

A GNC Roster Consultant supervises a Standardization Test during a training in Harar, Ethiopia. ©GlobalNutritionCluster

Where do your consultants come from and how are they vetted?

The GNC currently has around 200 globally vetted consultants that are able to provide technical support to actors working in NiE in preparedness, response, and recovery. Consultants come from 60 countries and speak 50 different languages, including Arabic, Spanish, French, English, Kiswahili, and Urdu. 

Every applicant goes through a robust vetting process with the GNC and our partners – Action Against HungerConcern Worldwide, International Medical CorpsSave the Children International, and UNICEF. Applicants undergo an initial screening based on predetermined criteria, such as education and experience. For example, consultants must hold an advanced degree in nutrition, public health, social sciences and/or life sciences; have training in NiE; and at least five years of work experience in NiE. We give priority to applicants with additional training in emergency response and the cluster approach, as well as experience working with international and local partners, donors, and local authorities. 

Language and contextual knowledge are also important factors, so we look for consultants with excellent written and verbal skills in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and/or Portuguese. However, we welcome and encourage consultants from all languages and locations to apply.

Once the initial application is approved, it is sent to a relevant subject matter specialist with one of our partners who will review work samples, conduct interviews, and carry out technical testing, where applicable.

Saidou_IYCF-E Training

GNC Consultant, Saïdou Kabore, leads an ICYF-E training in Mali, West Africa in 2023©GlobalNutritionCluster

How do I request support from a consultant? 

You can request support easily and quickly by clicking the Request Support button at the top of our website or by filling in this Request Support Form. Once on the request form, select the option Accessing a Consultant from the drop-down menu. Upon submission of your form, your request will be sent to the GNC Roster Manager for review.

What is the process after I place a request? 

After a request is submitted, the GNC Roster Manager will contact you within one working day to review any additional information that may be needed and to explain the next steps. Within three working days, you will receive information on one or several recommended consultants to match your needs. Then, you and your team will need to review the candidates and make your selection. Once you’ve formally accepted a consultant, it is up to you and your organization to complete the hiring process in accordance with your human resource guidelines – including any further interviews, rate negotiations, and additional background checks. 

Here are some examples of available consultants on the Roster and the types of support they have provided to nutrition actors globally:

Elsa Al Maalouf (vetted for Detection and Treatment of Wasting, Multisectoral Programming, and Nutrition Advocacy): 

In my most recent assignment as CMAM Advisor for Syria, I contributed to strengthening the CMAM response through the development of a training package and its delivery to key stakeholders. I was also responsible for reviewing the CMAM technical guidelines and tools to make it more contextualized and operational.

Zandra Estupinan(vetted for Nutrition Cluster Coordination, Detection and Treatment of Wasting including Simplified Approaches, Complicated Wasting, Micronutrients, Infant and Young Child Feeding Nutrition, and Nutrition Assessments):

In a recent assignment, I strengthened the nutrition response for the Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria. Previously, as a Food Security and Nutrition Cluster Coordinator, I led key aspects of the HNO/HRP cycles, including the Flagship Initiative, JIAF 2.0, and Anticipatory Actions. As a Nutrition Specialist, I have also led the design and implementation of NiE responses.

Mustafa Abidoglu (vetted for Maternal, Adolescent, Infant and Young Child Feeding, and Nutrition Cluster Coordination): 

[One assignment included launching] an integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) program at the national level in the MENA region. This involved translating materials into Arabic and contextualizing them for a specific country within the MENA region. After that, I conducted five SMART Survey Training sessions for NGO teams.

Mustafa Abidoglu image

GNC Consultant, Mustafa Abidoglu, at the SMART Survey training sessions. ©GlobalNutritionCluster

Clementina Ngina (vetted for NiE leadership): 

My most recent assignment was as a Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition in Emergencies Advisor for Somalia, whereby I was responsible for strengthening maternal, infant, young child, and adolescence nutrition in an emergency response. This was achieved by reviewing the available materials and tools as well as developing the operational and programmatic guideline, which had a monitoring and evaluation framework. The framework also ensured that it built on the existing guidelines, protocols, best practices, and any pilot study information that was available from the government or other nutrition partners. The assignment was done remotely and was very successful in developing, reviewing, and rolling out the policy and the training document.

Armelle Sacher (vetted for Social & Behaviour Change (SBC) and Gender Transformative SBC approaches to promote nutrition and health): 

In 2023, I remotely supported the State of Palestine to design SBC guidance and job aids to promote the adequate use of fortified nutrition supplementary products to be distributed during the emergency response. During this short assignment, I was able to work against the clock to quickly and effectively design and tailor SBC tools to the specific field constraints and needs of requesting partners.

Click the links below to several additional resources about the Consultant Roster. 

>> Webinar: "GNC Consultant Roster: a resource for Nutrition in Emergency Practitioners". Recordings are available in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic.

>> Webinar presentation slides

>> GNC Consultant Roster FAQs 

Are you interested in applying to our Consultant Roster? Click here to learn more about how to apply. Plus, subscribe to our monthly newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn where we regularly share opportunities to join the Roster. For specific questions, get in touch with us at GNCroster@nutritioncluster.net.



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