


Coordination Mechanism: Nutrition emergency coordination mechanism led by UNICEF and co-lead by the Ministry of Health (MoH-MISAU).
Year of Cluster Activation: 2019
NCC (Nutrition Cluster Coordinator): P3 TA
Co-coordination: Only at the sub-national level, Save the Children
Coordination Arrangement: At the national level, UNICEF leads the cluster with the Ministry of Health (MoH) as co-leader. At the sub-national level, the Provincial Directorate of Health (DPS) and the Provincial Health Services (SPS) co-lead, with Save the Children as co-coordinator.

Country Key Contacts

Judith Barroso Soto

Cluster Coordinator [email protected]

Mid Year Report 2024

January to June 2024

Mozambique Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024
Nutrition Cluster 2024 Indicators Guidebook and Calculation Methodology
Key advocacy messages

The humanitarian landscape in Mozambique is highly vulnerable to climate shocks and conflict, necessitating immediate and strategic preparedness.

Key Ask: We seek donor and partner support to develop comprehensive preparedness plans and ensure prepositioned supplies in the most vulnerable districts.

The presence of humanitarian aid in hard-to-reach areas is limited, with increasing needs following recent conflict and IDP displacement.

Key Ask: We call on partners to promote intersectoral collaboration with the health, food security, WASH, and protection sectors.

The nutrition sector faces a funding shortfall which hinders our ability to address the lifesaving needs of the most vulnerable populations.

Key Ask: We need donor support to mobilize funds to sustain interventions.

There is a need to expand the coverage of nutrition humanitarian programs for timely and effective responses to vulnerable populations especially IDPs.

Advocacy, Intersectoral Collaboration and Preparedness
Advocacy Survey
Country Advocacy Strategy developedNo
Link to document 
Advocacy activities included in annual work planNo
Specific WG leading advocacy work establishedNo
Contingency plan or ERP plan developed/updatedNo
Link to document 
Intersectoral Collaboration (ISC)
Intersectoral projects currently under implementationNo
Clusters engaged
Not applicable.

Key Figures



Number of under-five children in need to be screened for acute malnutrition
Number of SAM under-five children in need
Number of MAM under-five children in need
Number of children 6-59 months in need of Vitamin A Supplementation
Number of children 6-59 months in need of specialized nutritious food or Micronutrients Supplementation
Number of Pregnant and Lactating Women in need to be screened for acute malnutrition
Number of moderately acutely malnourished PLW in need
Number of caregivers counselled on IYCF messages
Number of people in need to be reached with radio spots, interviews, and novellas on nutrition and HIV

Total Partners 2024

Implementing Partners

UN agencies


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