

Urgen medidas para evitar mala nutrición en México por COVID-19


INSP, FAO, OPS-OMS y UNICEF piden implementación de medidas urgentes de mitigaciónExpresan preocupación ante niveles de pobreza en México derivados de la emergencia sanitariaEmiten una lista de recomendaciones dirigida a tomadores de decisiones para evitar la mala nutrición

Ciudad de…


Agencias de la ONU llaman a hacer frente a vulnerabilidad alimentaria en México


Prevén que una crisis social y económica derivada del COVID-19 disminuiría el poder adquisitivo en México, limitando el acceso a alimentos Anticipan…

Webinars in English and French targeting Nutrition Cluster/Sector Coodinators and nutrition practitioners were held to introduce and present the Evidence and Guidance Note on the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition Outcomes. 

The webinar recording and powerpoint presentation in English can be accessed here.

the webinar…


The State of the World’s Cash 2020 provides a comprehensive snapshot of cash and voucher assistance (CVA), with significant recommendations for anyone interested in humanitarian action. This report follows on from the first report, a seminal piece, published in 2018. Since then CVA has continued to grow and is now a major part of almost every humanitarian response…



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