


GNC-CT team participated in virtual remote facilitation training organized by TechRRT. The training was conducted virtually in four sessions during the two weeks starting from May 27, 2020. The skills and knowledge gained will enable GNC-CT team effectively delivery coordination and capacity development support to countries.


The Global Cluster Coordination Group (GCCG) has put together Basic Information Package for COVID-19. The package aims to support response actors in a range of settings with essential resources and best practice on coordinating a response to COVID-19 and contains the following:

Doc 1 - An Introduction Document: containing a short note on the Global Cluster…

The Power BI analysis, covering the period between 1st March – 31st May, constitutes the following modalities of support:

One on one remote support through six coordination and NiE technical helpdesks; Deployment of coordination and NiE expertise through RRT, TechRRT, Standby Partners and UNICEF surge capacity; Capacity Development through training on key…

Aimed at NCCs, IMOs and AWG Chairs, the GNC-CT recently did a launch of this guidance that will be piloted in English and in French. 

This guidance outlines the steps for conducting a Nutrition Situation Analysis, identifying information for the Humanitarian Needs Overview, which feeds into response plans and updates, whether IASC Cluster system has…


Dear colleagues on behalf of the GTAM Programme Adaptation team and the sub-group on webinars within the IFE Core Group we would like to encourage countries to share their best practices in adapting IYCF-E programmes during the Covid 19 pandemic via webinars.  

Solicitation of contributions/case studies: 

We would like to solicit the…

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