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Breastfeeding After a Natural Disaster

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and OTIS. Although it mentions the benefits o...

Breakdowns marked path from hurricane to anarchy

Aritlce on the effects of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, USA, in the New York Times 11 Sept 2005, Lipton E, Drew C, Shane S, Rohde D. ...

WHO guiding principles for feeding infants and young children during emergencies

Sets out the 10 guiding principles on feeding of infants and young children during emergencies to prevent excess morbidity and mortalit...

Wet Nursing: A village destroyed, the count goes on

Farouque F. Sydney Morning Herald 2004; 31 December.… An exam...

Targeting Food Aid in Emergencies (2004)

Provides guidance on the design of food aid targeting systems in emergencies. This was a special supplement to Field Exchange issue 22...

SAM in children and infants debate

Objectives The objectives of the Consultation that took place in Geneva from 6 - 7 September 2004 were to: critically review new evid...

Review of the published literature for the impact and cost-effectiveness of six nutrition related interventions

Review of the published evidence for the impact and cost-effectiveness of 6 key humanitarian interventions commonly implemented in emer...

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