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Situation Report: Rohingya Crisis - Cox's Bazar | February 2019

A total of 42,129 chicken pox (Varicella) cases have been reported in 2019, with clear increasing trend at the beginning of February, w...

Situation Report: Rohingya Crisis - Cox's Bazar | January 2019

The joint registration by the Government of Bangladesh and UNHCR was scaled up with registration sites added in Kutupalong and a camp-l...

2019 Joint Response Plan for Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis - January to December

The Rohingya people have faced decades of systematic discrimination, statelessness and targeted violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar. Sin...

Nutrition Cluster Monthly meeting minutes, 17 January 2019

Action Points: Dr. Taherul to link interested Nutrition Cluster members with Gender, NGO & Stakeholder Participation (GNSP) Unit F...

Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) Regional Level Operational Training: Barishal, Needs Assessment Working Group (NAWG)

Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) Regional Level Operational Training: Barishal  Organized by the Needs Assessment Working Group (NAWG)...

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