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Breastfeeding and comp feeding - counselling cards… Not produced for emergencies but pictures and text could be u...

Alimentación infantil en Situaciones de Emergencia Ficha

Infant feeding in emergencies card. For more details on it contact Marta Trejos at IBFAN LAC - (Translated by comp...

WHO Statement on iron supplementation in malarious regions

WHO Statement on iron supplementation of young children in regions where malaria transmission is intense and infectious disease highly ...

WHO global data bank on breastfeeding and complementary feeding

Can put in survey details to add to data and also search it for background data on a country. Entry web page is here.

When disasters happen: Breastfeeding in Emergencies

Date not known. Made for the US. Taken from the website: All moms should be encouraged to breastfeed, it is best for the baby and mom....

Water and fuel needs: Breastfeeding is Environmental Friendly

BPNI = Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India. June 2007 based on World Breastfeeding Week 2007 folder of material Includes info on...

Planning Guide for national implementation of the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding

Planning Guide for national implementation of the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding A guide on how to make the Global...

Media Guides on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies

The messages that the media present about the needs of infants and young children in emergencies can have a far-reaching impact. Member...

Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA)

Content: An assessment tool that is being developed to be used in rapid on-set emergencies in the first 72 hours. At present contains s...

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