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IYCF-E individual capacity assessment tool

INTRODUCTION 1.1 Infant and young child feeding Breastfeeding is one of the most cost-effective interventions to improve child surviv...

GNC Annual Report (2020)

The GNC’s Annual Report for 2020 is focused on its humanitarian nutrition response in the time of COVID-19. The report consists of two ...

Wasting in the wider context of undernutrition - An ENN Position Paper

This position paper reflects how ENN views wasting in the wider context of undernutrition and is intended to provide national and inter...

Wasting and Stunting Technical Interest Group Membership and Governance

Updated July 20201 Background In 2014, ENN published a review of the financing architecture underpinning the scale up of CMAM progra...

Wasting and Stunting Technical Interest Group Meeting. 12-13 May 2020.

Meeting Objectives and Introductions The meeting began with a reflection of the impact of COVID-19 on the current work environment and...

Wasting and COVID-19 Programme Adaptations Information Note 005

Background Programmes to support at-risk infants under six months and their mothers/ caregivers have been implemented in different con...

Tools and tips for mobile data collection in nutrition surveys from West and Central Africa

An Operational Guideline from Practical Experiences in West and Central Africa Introduction and rationale Every year, 8 to 15 countri...

Toolkit for CHW community-based treatment of uncomplicated wasting for children 6-59 months in the context of COVID-19

The recent brief from UNICEF and GNC on the management of child wasting in the context of COVID-19 states that in partial or full popul...

The Wasting -Stunting Technical Interest Group Phase 4 Work Plan: June 2020 to June 2022

Introduction The WaSt TIG is in its 7th year of work and entering Phase 4 to take us through to June 2022. The original impetus for th...

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