


The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) and more than a dozen international organizations have posted a joint statement describing the already dire and deteriorating food security crisis in the eastern Horn of Africa. The Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia drought response plans are only 50 percent funded despite escalating needs, severely limiting…


Depending on where you live, the leaves are falling or the trees and flowers are blooming. Here in the Global North, the leaves are beginning to fall, but later than usual. Clearly that has impacted us and as a result, our October newsletter is also falling a bit later. But we will not disappoint and have much to share with you, including a Global Focus on…


With the end of summer and the beginning of autumn (in the Northern Hemisphere) upon us, we are fully recharged and have a lot to share with you in this month's newsletter. Have a look inside this issue to see what we and our partners have been up to.

To view past issues, click here.


Decades of instability and conflict have created a prolonged humanitarian crisis in Sudan. It is estimated that 14.3 million people will need humanitarian assistance in 2022, a number higher than any other in the past decade.  Nearly 64% of people will require emergency assistance for life-threatening needs related to critical physical and mental well-being…


We are happy to share the 2022 GNC Mid-year report, reflecting activities and achievements from the first half of 2022 (Jan-June). Thank you to all the nutrition clusters and sectors, partners, and donors for your collaboration and involvement in the GNC and the Alliance activities this year, regardless of the size of your engagement, it is appreciated.…

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