


Increases in conflict, displacement, persistent drought and water scarcity, and spikes in food prices are threatening lives and driving a massive humanitarian crisis across multiple countries around the globe. The global Food Security, Health, Nutrition, and WASH Clusters — humanitarian organizations working together in each of these sectors — are united in…


We are excited to share with you the May Newsletter!

Inside this issue, we announce the newly launched GNC Learn Platform – our official e-learning platform dedicated to professional development in nutrition in emergencies, including coordination and information management. Skill up and stand out as an expert!

We have added a new…


The global CMAM 2021 conference highlighted a lack of infrastructure, supply chain, health worker capacity, and financing for addressing moderate wasting at scale[1]. In addition, services for moderate wasting tend to lack innovation with a focus on a somewhat medicalized, one-size-fits-all approach mimicking services for severe wasting…


You can find out what the GNC Technical Alliance has been doing in Jan-March 2022 by reading our Q1 monitoring report here 


Announcing the launch of the Global WASH Cluster (GWC)'s Strategic Plan 2022-2025.

The strategy is a result of collaboration and contributions from GWC’s members, working in the humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector across international organizations, United Nations agencies, international non-governmental organizations, academic…

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